Acupuncture FAQ
Doet acupunctuur pijn?
That is generally very bad. Acupuncture needles are not comparable to the needles in medical practice that are used for blood, for example. Most people indicate that they have hardly felt pain from pricking. Sometimes you can feel that your body reacts to the needle, for example with some kind of shock. If you indicate that you find pricking scary or painful, I take that into account by using thinner needles and pricking differently. And some people don't want needles at all. There are alternatives to this, too. Feel free to ask for this.Â
Hoe snel werkt de behandeling?
Most people already notice one treatment an effect. It varies by complaint how many treatments are needed, and how often, before a lasting effect occurs. At the beginning of the treatment I give an estimate of the number of sessions needed and how long the treatment period will last. During the treatments we evaluate whether the treatments are catching. One directive is that after three sessions a marked improvement must be initiated. If not, maybe something else is needed.Â
Is acupunctuur tijdens de zwangerschap mogelijk?
Acupuncture is certainly possible during pregnancy. It can even be used in all kinds of pregnancy ailments, such as nausea, edema, fatigue, intestinal complaints and emotional problems.Â
During pregnancy, certain points and certain body parts, such as the abdomen, should not be pricked. That will not happen. This makes acupuncture safe in pregnant people. Are you pregnant, or trying to get pregnant? Always report this to your acupuncturist.Â
Moet ik in acupunctuur geloven?
You don't have to believe anything. Although more and more scientific research shows that acupuncture is effective in various physical complaints, it is always a good idea to examine things for yourself. The best advice I can give you is to undergo it and to check with yourself if it has the desired effects for you.Â
More about acupuncture and science can be found here on the website.Â
Moet ik iets meenemen voor tijdens de behandeling?
If you're taking medication, it can be helpful to bring them. Or write down what you use and in what dose. You may also have a referral letter from a doctor or other practitioner. You can take it with you. Furthermore, it is useful if your clothes can be poached by the arms and legs, but it is not necessary.Â
Hoe moet ik me voorbereiden op de behandeling?
In preparation for the treatment, you don't have to do that much. However, it is good to have in mind that you would like to be helped with and what you hope will be the result.Â
Please note that after a treatment you no longer have too busy program, so you have time to get the treatment to work. Sometimes after treatment you need some rest.Â
In order to make the diagnosis good, it is advisable not to drink coffee prior to the consultation. However, if this is really difficult for you, you can take coffee and mention it so I can take that into account.Â
Please also consider the debit payment at the end of the consultation.Â
Wordt acupunctuur vergoed?
Most health insurers reimburse acupuncture consults in whole or in part from supplementary insurance. Acupuncture does not have an excess. Insurers make the condition that the practice is affiliated with a professional association. Self-pointer is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Acupuncture (NVA) and therefore meets this condition.
You can read fees due to the various zeze candle here. For details, read the terms in your policy or contact your insurer. Â
Wat kost een behandeling?
Rates 2019
Do you first have a question or do you want some explanation about the treatment? Or would you like to get acquainted with Geertje first? An introductory interview is always free
First consultation (approx. 75 mins) 75 Euro
Follow-up treatment (approx. 45 mins) 75 Euro
Follow-up child: (about 30 minutes) 50 Euro
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