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Complaints procedure

Complaints procedure

Self-pointer Acupuncture and Psychology does everything it can to work to complete satisfaction. If you do nevertheless have a complaint, you can read below what our complaints procedure is. Our complaints procedure follows the Quality, Complaints and Disputes Care Act (Wkkgz).

According to the Wkkgz, a healthcare provider is the first person to intervene to resolve a conflict with a patient/client. This requires a legal period of up to 6 weeks. The most pleasant thing as a therapist and the complainant can overcome the problem raised together. If you do not come out together or communication is no longer possible, the Complaints Officer can be called in during this first period.


Complaints officer NV
AIf you do not or communication is not possible more than the Complaints Officer can be called in during this first period. Please contact the NVA Secretariat for this purpose. The NVA complaints officer will then contact you. The Complaints Officer can help you formulate your complaint and try to find a solution with you and healthcare provider that is acceptable and satisfactory to both of you.

Dispute authoritie
s It is not possible to resolve your dispute with the therapist concerned, with the help of the Complaints Officer, then the complaints officer will refer you to the Dispute Office Umbrella Of Alternative Treatment (KAB). This independent body treats your complaint with utmost care and confidentiality, chaired by a lawyer.

Disciplinary board and Health Inspectorate (IGZ
) If there is clearly a disciplinary complaint, the complaints officer refers you to the disciplinary board of the association to which your practitioner is affiliated. This college, chaired by a lawyer, deals with serious complaints and can, if necessary, engage the Health Inspectorate. In very serious cases, the complaints officer can report directly to the IGZ.