06 216 247 28 info@zelfwijzer.nl



Burnout means that the load has been heavier than the carrying capacity for a while, and you get to a point where you lose control of your life. People with burnout have often continued for a long time and completed their duties without charging properly in the interim. Often, for a long time, too much is asked of someone, without an opportunity to take back gas. This may have to do with high workload, but also to life events that many questions such as having a child, relocation, divorce or informal care. Often it is a combination of stress factors. In the case of burnout, there is a lack of energy. People often experience burnout as a crisis, a turning point in their lives. Complaints that are common in burnout:

– fatigue, but not being able to take good r
est – a hunted feel
ing – restless sl
eep – constantly fretting about tasks, a growing to
do-list – irrita
bility – easy cryin
g – fantasizing all the hectic behind you (and for example leaving for a tropical island) – ad
ditional physical symptoms such as headaches, palpitations, dizziness, stomach pain and rapid weight gain (or losing weight quickly)

Taking rest difficult

Due to the growing to do-lists and the often great sense of responsibility, you find it difficult to organize peace for yourself. Sick reporting at work while there is no clearly identifiable disease such as flu, is often perceived as a large threshold. As a result, you don't drop tasks until you really can't go any further. You feel miserable and worried about how to proceed now. Sometimes there are practical concerns, for example when you risk losing your job, or you really don't like your job anymore. Or when a company doctor is deployed to re-integrate when you haven't recovered properly. When you finally take a rest, often first follows a phase in which fatigue prevails. After a while, that comes to the fore less, and often life questions come up: do I want to continue on the same footing, and if not, what do I want to change and how? What can I learn from what happened so it doesn't repeat itself? What will be my taxability after the burnout and how do I guard that limit? 

Approach on multiple tracks at once

I have a lot of experience in guiding people with burnout. As a result, I know that burnout has many facets.
My approach is a combination of:

  • Acupuncture – restoring the energy balance in the body.
  • Psychology – guiding the client in the process of resting organizing and monitoring, deepening the life questions, guiding the process of figuring out how further.
  • Nutritional advice – an exhausted body benefits from tailor-made nutrition. That includes dietary supplements.
  • Attention to lifestyle – sleep hygiene, border security, et cetera.

When you report to Self-Help with (pre)burnout complaints, I will work with you to look at the nature of the complaints and thus put together a tailor-made treatment plan. Each burnout out is different in the body. One receives physical complaints (such as inflammation) that force the body to rest, while the other suffers mainly from the unrest and worrying. Some people get emotional in severe weather. In the treatment, I agree with what it takes to finally regain the peace and strength.



If you have complaints of excessive stress, overstrain, exhaustion or burnout, always go to your GP. When it comes to a sick report it is important that the contact with the gp is made or is made. This can support you during this stressful time, and also more serious matters can be ruled out. 




People have a burnout often feel coming, but haven't seen how they could prevent him. In my practice, I often have success in averting burnout when people come forward in a timely manner. With acupuncture, it is possible to help the body refuel in a timely manner, and with psychological insights people often manage to get the pressure off the kettle in their lives. So if you feel like you're heading for a burnout, then it's a good time to hit a shot.

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