06 216 247 28 info@zelfwijzer.nl



 Perhaps you are experiencing physical or psychological issues such as burnout, too much stress, or, for example, digestive complaints, and because of this are not able to live life day-to-day at full capacity. You would like to cure these problems.

We work together to tackle two things. On the one hand, things that are occurring (or have occurred) in your life that you wish to change or pay attention to. On the other hand, frustration, pain, fatigue, and stress that have often manifested themselves in your body. Acupuncture can relax your body and bring the 

energy where it is needed. This restores its self-healing capacity and solves or prevents problems from flaring up again.The approach is therefore to restore the energy balance in the body and to look at what is going on in your life. 

Very briefly: needle and talk. This allows us to handle your complaints as effectively as possible. I will, however, continue to consult with you about where your needs lie. Not everyone wants to talk a lot, and that is also okay.



By looking beyond your complaint(s), we will be searching for the cause of them. We use traditional Eastern medicine and combine this with more modern medical practices, such as psychology and elements from natural and orthomolecular medicines. By paying attention to body and mind we can achieve success faster. With over ten years of experience in psychology, I have both a Western scientific and a traditional Eastern perspective.


Natural healing is a common thread throughout my life. As a six-year-old girl I already had an ‘herbal pharmacy’ in my room where I gladly gave neighbors and acquaintances health advice. I had a fascination for the physical and mental obstacles of life and everything that could help with these. Later I became a psychologist and worked for ten years in, among other things, suicide prevention and addiction care, and I have also thoroughly studied various natural remedies and nutrition.

I ended up in a wheelchair

When I was 27 I became so sick myself that I could hardly walk anymore. Doctors could not find the solution and the prospects were bleak. A wheelchair had become reality. 

However, I kept looking for a solution. After trying everything possible and impossible, I finally discovered the key to my healing. I recovered. This experience gave me a strong urge to make my knowledge useful to others. Zelfwijzer was born. I went to acupuncture school. I also came in contact with shamanism and bundled all this knowledge into one vision of people and health in the broadest sense.


Sometimes you need someone who can take into account multiple elements at once, with soul, mind and body. Who has made a study of this and combines it with his own experience to give a balanced advice. Lees meer


Cliënt acupunctuur

I enlisted help with Geertje after I came into fear after a difficult experience. I'm very much supervised. There is now more balance and rest. In the end, the panic has faded away. I have experienced the treatment as pleasant and professional.


Cliënte acupunctuur

I have experienced the treatment with acupuncture by Geertje as very positive. I have a weak bladder and therefore a lot of bladder infections. Antibiotics I tolerate badly. To my delight, the inflammation disappeared after 2 sessions. The treatment does not hurt and the contact was warm and pleasant. A must.


Cliënte acupunctuur


Are you perhaps interested in acupuncture, but do you have another question or do you want to meet first? Contact us now for an introductory interview or book an appointment

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